Static Function in C++ (with Example)


Summary: In this tutorial, we will learn with examples the significance of the static function in C++.

What is a Static Function?

A function that is declared static using the ‘static‘ keyword becomes a static function in C++.

Syntax of the Static Function:

static <return_type> <function_name>(<arguments>){

When a function inside a class is declared as static, it can be accessed outside the class using the class name and scope resolution operator (::), without creating any object.

A static member method has access only to the static members of the class, we can not call any non-static functions inside it.

All objects in the class share the same copy of the static function. It is useful in manipulating global static variables, which are again shared by all objects.

Since the static function is not bounded by the object of the class, it does not has access to the this keyword.

C++ Example: Static Function

Let see an example using static function for the better understanding.

Recommended: Static Variable in C++

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
class Nokia{
        *declaring variable as staric, so that-
        *it will be accessible to the static functions
    static string phone_name;   
    //static function I
    static void name(){
        cout << "Phone: "<< phone_name;
    //static function II
    static void set_name(string name){
        phone_name = name;
//Initializing private static member
string Nokia::phone_name = "";
int main()
    //no object jas been created
    //accessing static function directly with class name
    Nokia::set_name("Nokia 2600");
    return 0;


Phone: Nokia 2600

In the above program, we are setting a string static variable via a static function without creating any object, because the static variable (phone_name) cannot be set through a non-static method.

In this tutorial, we learned what a static function is, how to create and use it in the C++ programming language.

One thought on “Static Function in C++ (with Example)”

  1. Thank you, can you show errors that might happen with static?
    like trying to approach unstatic variables,

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